Kick off meeting for project URBANGYM succesfully held in Italy

Schio, Italy – The kick-off meeting and parkour education event was held in Schio, Italy on 11th and 12th February, attracting participants from 5 organizations – ASD KRAP from Schio,GK Zaprešić from Zaprešić, Gimnastičko udruzenje Beogim from Belgrade, GK Brezovica from Brezovica, and Društvo Partizan VIČ from Ljubljana.

The event was organized as part of the Erasmus project Urbangym and was a great opportunity for participants to come together and share their knowledge and experiences in the field of parkour. The main aim of the event was to discuss the objectives of the project and to develop a plan for future activities.

During the two-day event, participants attended a series of workshops and presentations, led by experienced trainers from Italy. The workshops covered a wide range of topics related to parkour, including training techniques, safety measures, and the development of parkour programs. Participants also had the opportunity to participate in practical sessions, where they could put their newly acquired skills into practice.

The feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their appreciation for the quality of the training and the professionalism of the trainers. Many participants also noted the valuable networking opportunities that the event provided, allowing them to connect with others in the parkour community and exchange ideas and experiences.

The kick-off meeting and parkour education event was a great success, and participants are already looking forward to the next event in the Urbangym project. The organizers are confident that this event will have a positive impact on the development of parkour in the participating countries and will help to promote the sport in the region.

In conclusion, the event was a great opportunity for participants to learn from experienced trainers, exchange ideas and knowledge, and to establish new relationships with others in the parkour community. The organizers are confident that the Urbangym project will continue to be a success and will have a positive impact on the development of parkour in the region. #Urbangym #ParkourEducation #KickOffMeeting #ErasmusProject

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